Chef-d'œuvre 60



Le Masterpiece 60 est une antenne TV extérieure directionnelle (log-périodique) à visibilité directe qui reçoit des signaux haute définition et numériques d'une seule direction. Cette antenne a une portée de réception allant jusqu'à 60 miles et est conçue pour résister à des conditions extérieures extrêmes.

Alternative recommandée : antenne modèle Pro
L'antenne Pro-Model est fortement recommandée par les ingénieurs d'antennes Channel Master car elle offrira une bien meilleure expérience client. - Il est plus facile à assembler et à monter, il résistera mieux aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes, il est évolutif et réparable et il est fabriqué aux États-Unis. Pour en savoir plus sur l'antenne Pro-Model, cliquez ici .

Antenne TV extérieure directionnelle à moyenne portée (ligne de vue), robuste jusqu'à 60 miles.

Ce qui est inclu

Chef-d'œuvre 60
Matériel (mât, amplificateur et câble coaxial non inclus)
Guide d'installation
Garantie limitée d'un an


Portée de réception 60 milles
Taper Extérieur
Modèle de réception Directionnel
Amplificateur intégré Non
Installation Toit, Mât, Eave, Cheminée

Spécifications techniques

Spécifications électriques

Bande passante 54 à 216 et 470 à 700 MHz
Gain VHF 9,0dB
Gain UHF 13dB
Rapport avant-arrière 15dB
Perte de retour N / A
Impédance 300 Ohm (balun 75 Ohm inclus)

Spécifications mécaniques

Longueur de la flèche 74,5"
Nombre d'éléments 17
Largeur maximale de l'élément 107"
Pince de montage Boulon en U jusqu'à 2,5"
Rayon de braquage 72"
Connecteur de sortie Type F
Taille (produit) 80,25" x 107,75" x 13"
Poids (produit) 10 livres
Résistance au vent (à 100 mph, pas de glace) – 22 lb

Choisi un modèle

Antenne de portée 45 MI
Antenne de portée 60 MI
Antenne de portée 100 MI

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Chuch Jr

Used this attenna to replace a Channel Master Pro that was installed a few weeks earlier. The Pro was installed on a commercial building about 40 miles east of the Trade Center in lower Manhattan. Which is where the majority of our local off-air r transmitted from.
Pro was just not doing the job on VHF RF7; even with the VHF add on & a Channel Master preamp. RF7 kept dropping out on the Pro as described. The Masterpiece 60 was chosen because if it's better gain numbers for VHF. After install, of the 60, RF7 locked right in with a Channel Master preamp.
Plus - the Masterpiece60 is made like the old Channel Master Crossfire antennas. Such that it unfolds to assemble & thus requires less thinking to put together. Had it up on pole in 10 minutes, taking my time. Where as the Pro requires assembling pieces & can be a little more time consuming on for the 1st time.
Although Channel Master recommends the Pro over the Masterpiece60 at closer distance to transmitter, we are considering using the Masterpiece60 more often due to the better gain & easier assembly.

Dan malcom
Masterpiece 60

Antenna worked perfectly. installed on chimney mounted mast at approximately 20 feet above the ground. House was located about 25 miles from broadcasting towers. The house was set down in a neighborhood and surrounded by trees. Tried many of the smaller flat antennas some were amplified none worked. This antenna worked perfectly it is a good size antenna and very well constructed. The antenna worked best without an amplifier in this situation less than 50 feet of cable and to a single tv. Antenna was properly grounded mast as well coaxial cable. Would recommend.

Larry Lease
Well constructed antenna

This antenna performed as promised. Excellent build quality and solid performance, used in conjunction with a signal amplifier to view channels from approximately 55-60 miles. installed only 20' high with CM-9030 mount and 5' of mast. I have been installing Channel Master products since the mid 1970s. Lease's TV Sales & Service

Frank D.
Exceeded my expectations

This antenna is great… It locked in every station in my area with a solid signal and one low VHF station almost 40 miles away without any problems. It’s well worth the money!!

James Hilburn
Cutting the cord

Seems to be working fine