Avantage numérique 45



Le Digital Advantage 45 est une antenne extérieure directionnelle (yagi) à visibilité directe qui reçoit des signaux haute définition et numériques d'une seule direction et est optimisée pour les signaux VHF et UHF élevés. Cette antenne a une portée de réception allant jusqu'à 45 miles.

Alternative recommandée : antenne modèle Pro
L'antenne Pro-Model est fortement recommandée par les ingénieurs d'antennes Channel Master car elle offrira une bien meilleure expérience client. - Il est plus facile à assembler et à monter, il résistera mieux aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes, il est évolutif et réparable et il est fabriqué aux États-Unis. Pour en savoir plus sur l'antenne Pro-Model, cliquez ici .

Antenne TV extérieure directionnelle à courte portée (ligne de vue) jusqu'à 45 miles.

Ce qui est inclu

Avantage numérique 45
Matériel (mât, amplificateur et câble coaxial non inclus)
Guide d'installation
Garantie limitée d'un an


Portée de réception 45 milles
Taper Extérieur
Modèle de réception Directionnel
Amplificateur intégré Non
Installation Toit, Grenier, Mât, Avant-toit, Cheminée

Spécifications techniques

Spécifications électriques

Bande passante 174 à 216 et 470 à 700 MHz
Gain VHF 2,5 dB
Gain UHF 8,5 dB
Rapport avant-arrière 10 dB
Perte de retour N / A
Impédance 300 Ohm (balun 75 Ohm inclus)

Spécifications mécaniques

Longueur de la flèche 36,5"
Nombre d'éléments 22
Largeur maximale de l'élément 47,5"
Pince de montage Boulon en U jusqu'à 1,75"
Rayon de braquage 3 pieds.
Connecteur de sortie Type F
Taille (produit) 36,5 x 47 x 22 po
Taille (emballage) 37,25 x 5,75 x 5,5 pouces
Poids (produit) 1,5 livre
Poids (emballage) 3,5 livres
Résistance au vent (à 100 mph, pas de glace) – 22 lb

Choisi un modèle

Antenne de portée 45 MI
Antenne de portée 60 MI Antenne de portée 100 MI

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Jacob Harp
Great Antenna, Quality, Easy.

The lil advantage 45 was a perfect fit for my home, my house is roughly 5 miles from the TV towers as a bird flys, but i have a large tree that obstructs the signal path so the A45 seemed like a good choice. Setup was stupid easy and there is a YouTube video if you need it, literally takes 5 min out of the box. This was an attic install that was used with channel masters attic kit, it took me longer to run the coaxial than to get this installed in my attic, maybe took me 20 minutes and that was taking my time. I guesstimated the angle and height of the antenna and crossed my fingers. I used the usb amplifier that the previous homeowners left in my living room, maybe a $10 item. I had an excessive cable run length and was worried about what i would get for channels. I fired up the TV and hit the auto channel tune, I got every available channel crystal clear with no delays, no interference lines, nothing. I had a temp setup with one of those cheap indoor paddle antennas and it maybe got 25% of the channels on a good day. The reception is perfect, fast and free ! Dont buy cheap Amazon crap.

Robert Snyder
Hurricane Ian Survivor and works great!

Had to write a review. I have the largest antenna pointed to Tampa (60 miles away) and wasn't getting my more local stations in another direction without digitizing, so I picked up this and combined the signal with the two antennas without an issue. Fast forward a couple years, a small storm called Hurricane Ian came our way to SW florida so I took down my huge antenna and left this on my Rohm tower figuring this should survive some 60+ mph winds projected. We unfortunately took a direct impact and despite winds well over 120 MPH, the antenna survived along with their preamp. Once I got generator power going and plugged back in the preamp, we had TV once again. Highly recommend.

used one day so far

Installed antenna yesterday so far working well.

Richard Wilson
Go with Channel Master

I tried others, they just do not compare in quality or functionality to Channel Master. I have a Channel Master preamp and antenna, they are simply the best!

ken harris
Antenna Upgrade

Upgraded my OTA from another manufacturer to the Digital Advantage 45 and I used the video to help and it was very easy to follow. Mounted the antenna in the attic and everything has gone well. I also added a TV Antenna Booster 4, because there were no 2 port boosters in stock, helps to provide a solid display through my DVR+ that I bought years ago. I'm very pleased with what I have gotten.