Avantage 45



L'Advantage 45 est une antenne TV extérieure directionnelle (log-périodique) à visibilité directe qui reçoit des signaux haute définition et numériques d'une seule direction. Cette antenne a une portée de réception allant jusqu'à 45 miles.

Alternative recommandée : antenne modèle Pro
L'antenne Pro-Model est fortement recommandée par les ingénieurs d'antennes Channel Master car elle offrira une bien meilleure expérience client. - Il est plus facile à assembler et à monter, il résistera mieux aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes, il est évolutif et réparable et il est fabriqué aux États-Unis. Pour en savoir plus sur l'antenne Pro-Model, cliquez ici .

Antenne TV extérieure directionnelle à courte portée (ligne de vue) jusqu'à 45 miles.

Ce qui est inclu

Avantage 45
Matériel (mât, amplificateur et câble coaxial non inclus)
Guide d'installation
Garantie limitée d'un an


Portée de réception 45 milles
Taper Extérieur
Modèle de réception Directionnel
Amplificateur intégré Non
Installation Toit, Mât, Eave, Cheminée

Spécifications techniques

Spécifications électriques

Bande passante 54 à 216 et 470 à 700 MHz
Gain VHF 7,9dB
Gain UHF 7,7dB
Rapport avant-arrière 12dB
Perte de retour N / A
Impédance 300 Ohm (balun 75 Ohm inclus)

Spécifications mécaniques

Longueur de la flèche 66"
Nombre d'éléments 24
Largeur maximale de l'élément 83,5"
Pince de montage Boulon en U jusqu'à 1,75"
Rayon de braquage 3,5 pieds.
Connecteur de sortie Type F
Taille (produit) 66 x 83,5 x 22 po
Taille (emballage) 68,25 x 6,25 x 6,25 pouces
Poids (produit) 3 livres
Poids (emballage) 6 livres
Résistance au vent (à 100 mph, pas de glace) – 22 lb

Choisi un modèle

Antenne de portée 45 MI
Antenne de portée 60 MI Antenne de portée 100 MI

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews

Absolutely Great Antenna, great reception!! I'm 40 miles from the closest TV towers. I'm getting an Extrodinary amount of channels! 10 times more than when I had Cable TV. Not to mentiion how CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL the TV picture is, much, much better than Verizon Cable TV! I'm getting channels some 100's of miles away!! I can't say how HAPPY I am for Finally getting Rid of my Cable TV!
I have to give Kudos to "AntennaMan" for recommending this Antenna.
My only complaint is that when you go to the Channel Master Advantage 45, there's another Link for ""Recommended Alternative: Pro-Model Antenna"". The Reviews on Amazon and "AntennaMan" state that the Pro-Model is NOT as good as the Advantage 45.

Quality antenna provides good value

I selected the Advantage 45 because our market's broadcasters' transmitters are within 2 degrees of azimuth and only 22 miles distant. I also purchased an Attic Antenna Mount since I would be installing it in my attic. Easy to open, mount, and align. I would be more than willing to mount outdoors (except for the hassle from our HOA) based on its quality construction. There is approximately 40 feet of cable between the antenna and my TV. I scanned for channels and it detected 98. I flipped through them all. Crystal clear picture and signal strength over 90%. I would recommend this Antenna and other Advantage models based on their quality construction and good value.

Better than expect

I have to say I am picking more channels at better quality than I expected. The antenna is large. Good build quality easy to assemble. And despite the large size was fairly easy to get into the attic. Definitely recommend.

J. Cardone
Great Antenna but be careful with the wing nuts

The antenna is simple to open and assemble and does a great job of bringing in the TV signal. But beware, there is an Achilles heel. The antenna matching transformer attaches to the antenna via 2 wing nuts. You receive 2 and only 2 wing nuts in the package. Any idea how easy it to lose one of those while you are crawling around in an attic full of insulation?

Once lost, there is no designation of the size or tightening ratio of the wing nuts. A trip to Home depot and I could not find any type of replacement. We now I have the whole thing held together with duct tape until replacements can be located. Can’t there be a spare wing nut included in the package? Can’t Channel master simply give out the specs on the stinking wing nuts to allow for replacement?

Tom B.
Perfect Antenna

Assembled the antenna, mounted it, pointed in the right direction and presto, worked perfectly. Easy assembly.