How to Assemble the Digital Advantage 100 Outdoor TV Antenna [CM-2020]

A detailed overview of how to assemble the Channel Master Digital Advantage 100 (Model CM-2020) Outdoor TV Antenna.

More information about the Channel Master Digital Advantage 100

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Channel Master is leader in HDTV antennas and accessories, in fact, our iconic brand has been around since 1949. One of our missions is to provide customers with all of the information and resources they need to set-up an over-the-air HDTV antenna system and receive free TV. As experts in the TV and video industry, we recognize the value that video provides when people are trying to learn about a particular topic, especially when it involves technology and installation, like HDTV antennas do.

To our customers with these types of resources, we assembled a talented video production team to create many types of helpful content including product assembly and installation videos. On this page you will find videos created by our team to help answer general questions regarding how to receive free TV with an HDTV antenna, how our products work, and how to assemble and install. We hope you find these videos helpful and if you have a request for a video covering a certain topic we would like to hear from you, simply send us a request.